The most basic human right is the Freedom of Thought.
More than 20 laws around the world deny this human right to a very
large group: Muslims.
These laws force Muslims to be Muslim.
Many of these laws are enforced with the death penalty, denying this group of nearly 2
billion people
their freedom.
The restrictions of these laws extend beyond national boundaries, affecting Muslims
Even though many Muslims say they choose to be Muslim, they cannot truly consent
because their statement is made under duress.
These laws are like knots in the metaphorical body of Muslim society. They are at the
heart of
countless international wars, societal injustices and acts of violence.
These laws make it illegal to be an ExMuslim. Therefore, the core symbol
the fight against this oppression is exmuslim.
We are creating a democratic system that pays anyone for raising
awareness of this largest human rights oppression by sharing this symbol: exmuslim.
Any person can share the symbol, exmuslim, in
any form
anywhere - IRL or virtually - and
then submit proof to the community.
When Activists submit proof, they are paid a fair, market-driven
reward, which is democratically voted on using the decentralized power of
An even easier way to support the cause is as a Donor.
By donating to the smart contract, economic incentives
are created for Activists to spread the symbol.
How to Contribute
The ideal form of support is Monero (XMR).
Click this button to send us Monero using a card. Our Monero
address will be
copied to your clipboard.
Who We Are
We are a team of mathematicians, scientists and engineers that value truth,
freedom and humans above all.
We believe that protecting people's individual rights is the key to making
the world a
better place.
The entire system is setup to be trustless and decentralized for all participants
(Donors, Activists, Governors).
The smart contracts will be audited by verified third parties, ensuring that all funds
are distributed
The team is composed of a combination of ExMuslims and non-ExMuslims.
Please Share
How am I able to contribute anonymously?
If you do not have crypto, you can support using a credit card on (see Visa/Mastercard button above for a link that copies our address to your
You can use to send
Monero directly to us. In this case, could
determine that you supported this project.
To increase your anonymity, first create an encrypted Monero account
using a
wallet app like CakeWallet. Then, use to
Monero to your new Monero account. Finally, make your contribution to our Monero address
using your
account. As a result, there is no link between you and this project at all.
We have no affiliation with any of those services/apps.
What makes this such a serious issue?
Have you ever wondered why there are so many conflicts connected to
communities around the world?
You should understand, Muslims are also victims.
These laws are like knots in the metaphorical body of Muslim society.
Once opened,
calm and relief will flow through the body. The consequence will be positively felt in all
of human
We are fighting the death penalty for thought crime affecting nearly 2
people. This makes it the largest human rights oppression on Earth.
Why are we doing this?
We believe that the success of this project would bring a cascade of
freedom to
numerous minorities worldwide, adding a wave of free humans to tackle humanity's other
We are not doing this for financial gain. The significant risks
involved in such a
project would never offset any financial gains
we could make.
How does Tsunami of Freedom work?
A system that automatically pays activists to disseminate the symbol
The system is fully decentralized and consists of Donors, Activists, Governors. A subset of
Governors are
also Vetoers.
Donors donate funds into the smart contract.
An Activist
- create the symbol ExMuslim somewhere visible to as many people as possible
- upload proof to the system
- suggest amount to be paid
Together, the above constitutes a *claim*.
Governors vote.
If they deem the claim amount as fair, the positive vote sends the amount to the Activist.
A negative vote means the claim amount was too high and the Activist should resubmit a new
claim with a
lower amount.
Activists are encouraged to start with an amount that is too high, then lowering until the
fair amount is
found agreed on. This allows fair valuation of complex acts of activism.
Vetoers can block any claim. The purpose of Vetoers is to keep the activism aligned with the
purpose. In
case malicious actors become (a majority of) Governors, the Vetoers can protect the funds
from going into
wrong hands. Vetoers can be added and removed by the Creator. This is necessary, as
otherwise a single
malicious Vetoer could block the entire system.
In the best case, the above enables an efficient system whereby a community rewards
Activists fairly,
minimizing work for everyone involved.
In the worst case, if malicious actors (oppressors) become a majority of the Governors, the
system is blocked
and no one can receive any funds.
Notice, at all times, nor the Creator, nor the Vetoers, nor the Governors, nor the Activists
illegitimately remove any funds from the system.
The purpose of this complexity is trustlessness. The system allows donors to be sure that
their donations
are used for activism only and even the Creator cannot steal the funds.
All Donors and Activists receive a Governor token per donation/claim.
Examples for symbol creation of an Activist:
- post exmuslim on social media
- type exmuslim into a for-sale computer in a shop
- graffiti exmuslim as street art
- rent adspace
- hack a screen
- etc. = be creative